Difficulties With Pornography in Grapevine TX

At first, pornography is terribly attractive. In your mind, you can create and enjoy fantasies that promise fulfillment. But inevitably it brings emotional, relational, and spiritual pain. Shawn Boggs Counseling offers over 2 decades of experience and compassion for those struggling with pornography in Grapevine TX. You are not alone in your struggle. Hundreds and hundreds have been helped to overcome this plague.
Pornography Counseling in Grapevine TX Involves:
- Support - Perhaps the biggest contributor to the problem of pornography is the degree of isolation a person can experience. No one knows about the problem for years, often decades. This can produce a great deal of shame which perpetuates the problem. Support helps a person out of isolation and creates the courage to begin making needed changes. Support creates hope.
- History - For most people, pornography has a history dating back to early adolescence. Pornography formulates harmful beliefs about men and women, makes healthy relationship attachment harder, and becomes a significant means to cope with negative emotions. As one ages, instead of identifying and discussing negative emotions toward relief, the user of pornography numbs negative feelings. Gathering a family of origin history and a pornography history are insightful and build a successful foundation for treatment.
- Learning to Identify and Resolve Negative Emotions - The graphic nature of pornography is a powerful part of what keeps a person coming back for more. But just as powerful is the inability to successfully identify and discuss negative feelings. Pornography becomes a way to continuously bypass this important life task and leaves a lot of wreckage. Learning to identify and discuss negative feelings provides healthy relief and mastery of one's self.
Pornography can be beaten when helpful steps are taken. Counseling is a key element of helpful change. The therapist will also encourage books or articles to read, support groups to attend, and marriage therapy when appropriate. Aren't you ready to end a lifetime of struggle? Escape this yoke of bondage and begin to experience hope and relief by calling Shawn Boggs Counseling in Grapevine TX today.
Shawn Boggs Counseling does not assess or treat individuals who struggle with child/underaged pornography.
11:00am - 7:00pm
11:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
10:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Shawn Boggs Counseling
1000 Texan Trail #221
Grapevine, TX 76051