Shawn Boggs Counseling Blog

Resolving Small Disagreements is A Big Deal in Grapevine TX

Resolving Small Disagreements is A Big Deal in Grapevine TX

Resolving Small Disagreements is a Big Deal in Grapevine TX I once heard a professor in graduate school say to my peers who were often late to class, “If you can be habitually late, you can be habitually on time”. He always had a way with words. I chuckled at what he said- I never…

You Change First in Grapevine TX

You Change First in Grapevine TX

Why “You Change First” Doesn’t Work in Grapevine TX How and Why Change (Doesn’t) Takes Place in Marriage in Grapevine TX I once had a therapy supervisor who said, “No one wants change except a baby with a soiled diaper”. It’s true! In over 21 years of helping couples change in Grapevine TX, I rarely…

Complaint in Grapevine TX

Complaint in Grapevine TX

Complaints in Grapevine TX Complaints in Grapevine TX are a part of life that we all accept as normal. But it can also become a silent killer and set a hostile tone in your home if it isn’t contained. I recommend that when couples find themselves complaining too much (read my spouse complains too much) that…

Criticism in Grapevine TX

Criticism in Grapevine TX

Marriage Dilemma in Grapevine TX: Criticism or Insult? What’s the difference between criticism and insults in Grapevine TX? If you ask Siri the definition of criticism you will get, “Disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or short comings”. If you ask the definition of insult you will get: “A rude expression intended to offend or…

Divorce Compensation in Grapevine TX

Divorce Compensation in Grapevine TX

Divorce Compensation in Grapevine TX Dealing with Divorce in Grapevine TX Despite the common occurrence of divorce in the United States, it is still very difficult and painful  for adults and kids to navigate through. And while people can almost always recall when their parents sat them down as kids to share the bad news,…

Do This And You Won’t Go Through Divorce in Grapevine TX

Do This And You Won’t Go Through Divorce in Grapevine TX

Do This And You Won’t Go Through Divorce in Grapevine TX It’s well known that for the last several years, the divorce rate in the United States is 1 out of every 2 marriages. What isn’t well documented or articulated is why. Why is the current trend of over three decades of divorce holding at…